Sustainability & Environment
- Our company's most important goal is to minimize the negative impacts it may have on the environment in its ongoing activities.
- Our company undertakes to comply with the legal obligations in our country or in the countries where it operates in terms of environmental issues.
- Our company takes and has taken the necessary measures in all its activities to evaluate its recyclable waste, reduce the use of limited natural resources, prevent pollution that may occur due to waste that is harmful to the environment, protect natural assets, not negatively affect living life, not pollute the environment and develop positively.
It aims to continuously reduce the water use required for our activities by using water, which is one of our most important natural resources, efficiently.
- We monitor our wastewater and air emissions resulting from our activities and aim to reduce them by keeping the legal compliance of the emissions and the performance of the system under control with periodic measurements, and we meet the relevant legal requirements in wastewater quality. We calculate our corporate carbon footprint every year and set targets for reduction.
- As Tuğçelik, we are aware of the requirements of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, EC 1907/2006), the European Union's regulatory framework for chemical substances, and we declare that the products supplied to EU customers do not contain substances listed on the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern, which is updated from time to time, at a concentration of more than 0.1% by weight.
- Our company continuously improves its environmental management studies and its work on reducing environmental impacts in all processes. In this context, we believe that greenhouse gas and sustainability issues are both a problem and an opportunity.
- In order to use energy efficiently, we must implement saving, precautionary and efficiency-enhancing projects and ensure that primary energy resource waste is minimized.
As new energy sources come into play, successful global efforts to save energy will reduce energy expenditures, help reduce air pollution and climate damage. With the idea that saving energy is cheaper than buying energy;
- We undertake to provide continuous improvement in energy use without compromising on production and quality,
- One of our evaluation criteria in purchasing products and services will be energy efficiency,
- We will ensure that designs that support energy efficiency are created and that this issue is supported,
- We will increase awareness of energy efficiency and saving by providing continuous training to our employees,
- We will carry out the use, consumption and continuous improvement of energy with the established “Energy Team”.